Powerful data on why your song
is performing the way it is

Our unparalleled dashboard gives you access to data you can't get
anywhere else, and helps answer question like: "how clickable is my
album cover?" or "do playlisters think my song is in demand?"

Dashboard & Insights

Find out who your audience is
at the click of a button.

When you click "Start Promoting" on your dashboard, your song is exposed to a vibrant community of playlists from all around the world. As they interact with your song, we collect millions of data points that we then package in a streamlined dashboard for your enjoyment. Stop relying on un-actionable data and become aware of the strengths & weaknesses of your music.

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How to use our Dashboard

Start your membership

Select a song that you would like to promote to our community of thousands of playlists.

Head to the "Activity"

Section of your dashboard to view the feed of interactions on your music and gain unique insights.

Learn Insights

Learn what each of these insights means for your music, and leverage the data to improve future releases & lock in better results!

Our Insights Dashboard allows you to:

Crowdsource opinions from a community of music professionals, in one click.

Learn the best audience to market your song to.

Track your releases' promotion progress under one roof.

Iterate on your production, performance, and songwriting for future releases.

More than
the Dashboard:

Playlister.Club is the most advanced music discovery platform that is home to the largest community of independent playlisters looking for new music. We offer you exposure via our unique discovery algorithm, that gets you in front of the right playlisters, and increases your chances of gaining new fans. Create your account now and start accessing all of these member benefits and more!

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